Used Let turboprop aircraft

The twin engined Let L-410 Turbolet is a short-range tranport aircraft built by the Czech manufacturer LET. It is mostly used for passenger transport and has capacity for up to 16 passengers. It has very short runway requirements (STOL performance).
Let 410UVP E-9on request
Year: 1987; TTAF: 11646h; Type: Turboprop; Location: Panama; IFR certified, IFR equipped, Commercially registered
Let 410 UVP E20 M601Eon request
Year: 2005; TTAF: 12028h; Type: Turboprop; Location: Brazil; IFR certified, IFR equipped, Commercially registered; Serial No.: TBD; Last annual: 11/2024
Let 410 UVP-E20 H75-200on request
Year: 2008; TTAF: 10672h; Type: Turboprop; Location: Chile; IFR certified, IFR equipped, Commercially registered
Let TR410£ 475,840
US$ 600,000
Year: 2019; TTAF: 10h; Type: Turboprop; Location: Russia, Krasnodar
Let UVP E - 20on request
Year: 1986; TTAF: 9h; Type: Turboprop; Location: Bolivia, Santa Cruz; IFR certified, IFR equipped, Always hangared, Commercially registered